Mastering Unit Tests for Firebase Rules with Firestore.get: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Mastering Unit Tests for Firebase Rules with Firestore.get: A Step-by-Step Guide

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As a developer, you know the importance of writing robust and reliable code. Firebase Rules are an essential aspect of securing your Firestore database, but how do you ensure they’re working as intended? The answer lies in unit testing! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of unit testing for Firebase Rules with Firestore.get, providing you with a comprehensive guide to get you started.

Why Unit Testing Firebase Rules Matters

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of unit testing, let’s discuss why it’s crucial for Firebase Rules. Firebase Rules are the gatekeepers of your Firestore database, controlling who can read, write, or delete data. A single misconfigured rule can lead to security vulnerabilities, data breaches, or even data loss.

Unit testing your Firebase Rules ensures that:

  • You catch errors and security vulnerabilities early on, reducing the risk of data breaches or loss.
  • You can confidently deploy changes to your Firebase Rules without fearing unintended consequences.
  • You improve the overall quality and reliability of your Firestore database.

Setting Up Your Testing Environment

Before you start writing unit tests, you’ll need to set up your testing environment. Follow these steps:

  1. Install the Firebase CLI and Firebase SDK using npm or yarn:
npm install firebase-tools @firebase/testing
  1. Create a new Firebase project or use an existing one.
  2. Initialize a new Firestore database.
  3. Create a new file for your unit tests, e.g., rules.test.js.

Writing Your First Unit Test

Let’s start with a simple example. Suppose you have a Firestore collection called users, and you want to test a Firebase Rule that allows authenticated users to read their own documents.

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /users/{userId} {
      allow read: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid == userId;

In your rules.test.js file, add the following code:

const firebase = require '@firebase/testing';
const Firestore = firebase.firestore();

describe('Firebase Rules for users collection', () => {
  it('allows authenticated users to read their own documents', async () => {
    const db = Firestore();
    const userId = 'auth-uid-123';
    const userDoc = db.collection('users').doc(userId);

    await firebase.auth().setUid(userId);

    const getDoc = userDoc.get();
    await firebase.assertSucceeds(getDoc);

In this example, we:

  • Import the necessary Firebase modules.
  • Create a new Firestore instance using Firestore().
  • Set the authenticated user ID using firebase.auth().setUid().
  • Get the user document using userDoc.get().
  • Use firebase.assertSucceeds() to verify that the get operation succeeds.

Testing Firestore.get() with Mock Data

In the previous example, we assumed that the user document exists in the Firestore database. But what if we want to test scenarios where the document doesn’t exist or contains specific data?

Introducing mock data! With Firebase’s testing SDK, you can create mock data to simulate different scenarios.

const userMockData = {
  id: 'auth-uid-123',
  name: 'John Doe',
  email: '',

const db = Firestore();
const userDoc = db.collection('users').doc(;

await db.collection('users').doc({ ...userMockData });

In this example, we:

  • Create a mock user data object.
  • Set the mock data using db.collection('users').doc(
  • Now, we can use this mock data to test our Firebase Rule.

Advanced Unit Testing Scenarios

Let’s explore some advanced unit testing scenarios for Firebase Rules with Firestore.get:

Testing with Different Authentication Scenarios

What if you want to test your Firebase Rule with different authentication scenarios, such as anonymous users or users with specific roles?

it('denies access to anonymous users', async () => {
  await firebase.auth().signInAnonymously();
  const getDoc = userDoc.get();
  await firebase.assertFails(getDoc);

it('allows access to users with admin role', async () => {
  await firebase.auth().setCustomClaims({ role: 'admin' });
  const getDoc = userDoc.get();
  await firebase.assertSucceeds(getDoc);

In this example, we:

  • Test an anonymous user scenario using firebase.auth().signInAnonymously().
  • Test a user with an admin role scenario using firebase.auth().setCustomClaims().
  • Verify that the get operation fails or succeeds accordingly using firebase.assertFails() and firebase.assertSucceeds().

Testing with Different Firestore Data

What if you want to test your Firebase Rule with different Firestore data, such as documents with specific fields or values?

it('allows access to users with age greater than 18', async () => {
  const userDocData = { ...userMockData, age: 19 };
  await db.collection('users').doc(;
  const getDoc = userDoc.get();
  await firebase.assertSucceeds(getDoc);

it('denies access to users with age less than 18', async () => {
  const userDocData = { ...userMockData, age: 17 };
  await db.collection('users').doc(;
  const getDoc = userDoc.get();
  await firebase.assertFails(getDoc);

In this example, we:

  • Test a scenario where the user document has an age greater than 18.
  • Test a scenario where the user document has an age less than 18.
  • Verify that the get operation succeeds or fails accordingly using firebase.assertSucceeds() and firebase.assertFails().

Best Practices for Writing Effective Unit Tests

When writing unit tests for Firebase Rules with Firestore.get, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Keep it simple and focused: Each unit test should test a specific scenario or condition.
  • Use meaningful and descriptive names: Use clear and concise names for your unit tests and variables.
  • Mock data wisely: Use mock data to simulate different scenarios, but avoid over-mocking, which can lead to brittle tests.
  • Test for both success and failure: Verify that your Firebase Rule behaves as expected for both allowed and denied operations.
  • Test with different authentication scenarios: Test your Firebase Rule with different authentication scenarios, such as anonymous users, authenticated users, and users with specific roles.


Mastering unit testing for Firebase Rules with Firestore.get is crucial for ensuring the security and reliability of your Firestore database. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to writing robust and effective unit tests.

Remember, unit testing is an ongoing process, and it’s essential to continually test and refine your Firebase Rules as your application evolves.

Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Firebase Rules and Firestore! We’ve got the scoop on unit testing with firestore.get. Check out these frequently asked questions to become a master of Firebase Rules.

What is the purpose of unit testing Firebase Rules with firestore.get?

Unit testing Firebase Rules with firestore.get ensures that your Firestore database security rules are working as intended, preventing unauthorized access or data breaches. It helps you catch errors and bugs early on, saving you from potential security headaches down the line.

How do I write a unit test for Firebase Rules using firestore.get?

To write a unit test for Firebase Rules using firestore.get, you’ll need to create a test file, import the Firebase SDK, and mock out the Firestore instance. Then, use the firestore.get method to simulate a Firestore query, and assert that the expected data is returned or an error is thrown based on your security rules.

What kind of errors can I catch with unit testing Firebase Rules using firestore.get?

By unit testing Firebase Rules with firestore.get, you can catch a range of errors, including unauthorized access, data validation issues, and security rule misconfigurations. This helps you identify and fix problems before they become security vulnerabilities.

Can I use Firestore emulator to unit test Firebase Rules with firestore.get?

Yes, you can use the Firestore emulator to unit test Firebase Rules with firestore.get. The emulator allows you to run Firestore locally, which makes it easier to test and iterate on your security rules without incurring production costs or affecting live data.

How often should I run unit tests for Firebase Rules with firestore.get?

It’s a good idea to run unit tests for Firebase Rules with firestore.get frequently, especially when making changes to your security rules or Firestore schema. This helps ensure that your rules are working as intended and catching errors early on. Consider integrating unit testing into your CI/CD pipeline to automate the process.