Why there’s an error “Cannot resolve method ‘compareTo’ in ‘Object’ while K extends Comparable has been specified explicitly at the class header?
Image by Vincenc - hkhazo.biz.id

Why there’s an error “Cannot resolve method ‘compareTo’ in ‘Object’ while K extends Comparable has been specified explicitly at the class header?

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Are you tired of running into the frustrating error “Cannot resolve method ‘compareTo’ in ‘Object’ while K extends Comparable has been specified explicitly at the class header? Do you find yourself scratching your head, wondering why Java can’t seem to recognize the compareTo method despite explicitly specifying K extends Comparable in the class header?

Understanding the Error

The error message “Cannot resolve method ‘compareTo’ in ‘Object'” suggests that Java is unable to find the compareTo method in the Object class. This might seem surprising, especially since you’ve explicitly specified K extends Comparable in the class header. After all, shouldn’t Comparable guarantee the presence of the compareTo method?

What’s Going On?

The issue lies in the way Java handles type erasure. When you specify a generic type parameter, like K extends Comparable, Java doesn’t actually store that information at runtime. Instead, it uses type erasure to strip away the generic type information, leaving you with a raw type.

public class MyClass<K extends Comparable> {
    public void myMethod(K obj) {
        obj.compareTo(obj); // Error: Cannot resolve method 'compareTo' in 'Object'

In the above example, when the Java compiler encounters the compareTo method call, it treats K as an Object rather than a Comparable. This is because the type information K extends Comparable is erased at runtime, leaving only the raw type K.

Solution 1: Cast to Comparable

One way to resolve this issue is to cast the object to Comparable before calling the compareTo method:

public class MyClass<K extends Comparable> {
    public void myMethod(K obj) {
        Comparable<?> comparableObj = (Comparable<?>) obj;

By casting the object to Comparable, you’re effectively telling Java to treat the object as a Comparable, which has the compareTo method. This solution works, but it’s not the most elegant or efficient approach.

Solution 2: Use the @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) Annotation

Another solution is to use the @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") annotation to suppress the unchecked cast warning:

public class MyClass<K extends Comparable> {
    public void myMethod(K obj) {
        ((Comparable<K>) obj).compareTo(obj);

By using this annotation, you’re telling Java to ignore the unchecked cast warning. However, this approach can lead to runtime errors if the object is not actually a Comparable.

Solution 3: Use a Raw Type

A third solution is to use a raw type instead of a generic type:

public class MyClass {
    public void myMethod(Comparable obj) {

By using a raw type, you’re essentially telling Java to treat the object as a Comparable without any generic type information. This approach is simple, but it has its own set of limitations and potential issues.

Best Practice: Use a Generic Type with a Bounded Wildcard

The best approach is to use a generic type with a bounded wildcard:

public class MyClass<K> {
    public void myMethod(K obj) {
        Comparable<? super K> comparableObj = obj;

By using a bounded wildcard ? super K, you’re telling Java to treat the object as a Comparable that is a supertype of K. This approach is safe, efficient, and elegant.


In conclusion, the error “Cannot resolve method ‘compareTo’ in ‘Object’ while K extends Comparable has been specified explicitly at the class header” is a common pitfall in Java generics. By understanding the root cause of the issue and applying one of the solutions outlined above, you can effectively resolve this error and write robust, efficient, and type-safe code.

Takeaway Points

  • Type erasure can lead to unexpected behavior in Java generics.
  • Casting to Comparable or using @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) can resolve the error, but with limitations.
  • Using a raw type can simplify the code, but may lead to runtime errors.
  • Using a generic type with a bounded wildcard is the best practice to ensure type safety and efficiency.


  1. Why does Java erase type information at runtime?

    Java erases type information at runtime to ensure backward compatibility with pre-Java 5 code. This allows Java 5 and later versions to maintain compatibility with older code that didn’t use generics.

  2. What’s the difference between a raw type and a generic type?

    A raw type is a type that’s not parameterized, whereas a generic type is a type that’s parameterized with a type parameter (e.g., <K>). Raw types are essentially a relic of pre-Java 5 code and should be avoided in modern Java development.

  3. Can I use the @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) annotation to suppress other warnings?

    The @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) annotation can be used to suppress unchecked cast warnings, but it’s not recommended to use it to suppress other warnings. Instead, address the underlying issue causing the warning.

Approach Advantages Disadvantages
Casting to Comparable Simple, works for most cases May lead to ClassCastException at runtime
Using @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) Suppresses warning, works for most cases May lead to runtime errors, not recommended
Using a Raw Type Simple, works for most cases Limits type safety, may lead to runtime errors
Using a Generic Type with a Bounded Wildcard Type-safe, efficient, and elegant

By following the best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the “Cannot resolve method ‘compareTo’ in ‘Object'” error and write robust, efficient, and type-safe code.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to debug like a pro! Here are the top 5 questions and answers about the infamous “Cannot resolve method ‘compareTo’ in ‘Object'” error.

Q1: Why does the error occur even after specifying K extends Comparable in the class header?

A1: The issue lies in the fact that the `compareTo` method is not explicitly defined in the `Object` class. Even though you’ve specified `K extends Comparable` in the class header, the compiler only checks for the presence of the `compareTo` method at compile-time, not its implementation. To fix this, you need to explicitly cast the object to `Comparable` or use a raw type, but beware of the risks involved!

Q2: Is it a Java bug or am I doing something wrong?

A2: Don’t worry, it’s not a Java bug! The error is due to the way Java handles generics. The `Comparable` interface is not implicitly implemented by the `Object` class, so you need to explicitly cast or use a raw type to access the `compareTo` method. It’s a common gotcha, but it’s not a bug, and you’re not alone!

Q3: What’s the difference between Comparable and Comparator in this context?

A3: `Comparable` is an interface that defines a natural ordering for objects, while `Comparator` is an interface that allows for custom ordering. In this case, `Comparable` is the one that provides the `compareTo` method. Think of it like this: `Comparable` is like saying “I know how to compare myself,” while `Comparator` is like saying “I know how to compare others.”

Q4: Can I use the @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) annotation to get rid of the error?

A4: The temptation is strong, isn’t it? While the `@SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”)` annotation can suppress the error, it’s not recommended in this case. It’s a Band-Aid solution that might hide the problem, but it won’t fix the underlying issue. Instead, focus on properly casting or using a raw type to access the `compareTo` method.

Q5: How do I avoid this error in the future?

A5: To avoid this error, always remember to explicitly cast the object to `Comparable` or use a raw type when working with generics and the `compareTo` method. Take your time to understand the implications of using raw types and be mindful of the compiler warnings. With practice, you’ll become a master of Java generics and debugging!