AmCharts 5 Number Formatter Works for Volume but Not for Volume Flow Rate: A Comprehensive Guide
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AmCharts 5 Number Formatter Works for Volume but Not for Volume Flow Rate: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you struggling to get AmCharts 5 number formatter to work for volume flow rate? You’re not alone! Many developers have faced this frustrating issue, and today, we’re going to dive deep into the solution. But first, let’s take a step back and understand the problem.

The Problem: AmCharts 5 Number Formatter Works for Volume but Not for Volume Flow Rate

AmCharts 5 is an powerful charting library that allows you to create stunning visualizations. One of its most useful features is the number formatter, which enables you to customize the display of numerical values in your charts. However, some users have reported that the number formatter works perfectly for volume data but fails to work for volume flow rate data.

Why is this happening? Well, the answer lies in the way AmCharts 5 handles different types of data. Volume data is typically measured in units such as liters, cubic meters, or gallons, whereas volume flow rate data is measured in units such as liters per minute, cubic meters per second, or gallons per hour.

The Solution: Understanding AmCharts 5 Number Formatter Syntax

To solve this problem, we need to understand the syntax of AmCharts 5 number formatter. The number formatter uses a syntax similar to that of Excel, with some additional features. Here’s a breakdown of the syntax:

{value: }


  • value: the value to be formatted
  • format: the format string (e.g., “#,##0”, “0,000.00”, etc.)

Let’s take a closer look at the format string. AmCharts 5 supports a range of format strings, including:

Format String Description
#,##0 Displays the value with commas as thousands separators and no decimal places
0,000.00 Displays the value with commas as thousands separators and two decimal places
#,##0.00 Displays the value with commas as thousands separators and two decimal places

Formatting Volume Flow Rate Data

Now that we understand the syntax of AmCharts 5 number formatter, let’s apply it to our volume flow rate data. To format volume flow rate data, we need to use a combination of number formatting and unit display.

Here’s an example of how to format volume flow rate data in AmCharts 5:

var chart =, {
  // ...
  axisTooltip: {
    labelText: "{valueY.formatNumber('#,##0.00')} L/min"

In this example, we’re using the `formatNumber` function to format the volume flow rate value with two decimal places and commas as thousands separators. We’re also displaying the unit “L/min” after the value.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the correct syntax and formatting, you may still encounter issues with AmCharts 5 number formatter. Here are some common errors and their solutions:

  1. Error: The number formatter is not working at all.

    Solution: Make sure you’ve included the `format` property in your chart configuration.

  2. Error: The number formatter is not applying to all values.

    Solution: Check that you’ve applied the number formatter to the correct axis (e.g., `xAxis`, `yAxis`, etc.) and that the format string is correct.

  3. Error: The number formatter is not displaying the correct unit.

    Solution: Verify that the unit is correctly defined in your chart configuration, and that it’s not being overridden by another setting.


In conclusion, AmCharts 5 number formatter can be a powerful tool for customizing the display of numerical values in your charts. By understanding the syntax and applying it correctly, you can easily format volume flow rate data and create stunning visualizations. Remember to troubleshoot common issues and experiment with different format strings to achieve the desired result.

If you’re still struggling to get the number formatter to work, don’t hesitate to reach out to the AmCharts 5 community or seek help from a developer. Happy charting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about AmCharts 5 Number Formatter for Volume and Volume Flow Rate!

Why does AmCharts 5 Number Formatter work for Volume but not for Volume Flow Rate?

This is because the number formatter in AmCharts 5 is configured to work with absolute values by default. Since Volume Flow Rate is a rate of change, it requires a different configuration to accurately display the values. You can resolve this by setting the `numberFormatter` to `valueFormatter` and specifying the correct format for the Volume Flow Rate data.

How do I set up the number formatter for Volume Flow Rate in AmCharts 5?

To set up the number formatter for Volume Flow Rate, you’ll need to create a new `ValueFormatter` instance and configure it to match your data format. For example, if your Volume Flow Rate data is in liters per second (L/s), you can set the `format` property to `#.### L/s`. Then, assign this formatter to the `valueFormatter` property of your chart.

Can I use the same number formatter for both Volume and Volume Flow Rate in AmCharts 5?

No, it’s not recommended to use the same number formatter for both Volume and Volume Flow Rate. Since these two metrics have different units and scales, using the same formatter can lead to incorrect or misleading display of values. Instead, create separate formatters for each metric to ensure accurate and consistent formatting.

How do I troubleshoot issues with the number formatter in AmCharts 5?

To troubleshoot issues with the number formatter, start by checking the console for any error messages related to the formatter configuration. Next, verify that the data type and format match the formatter settings. If the issue persists, try isolating the formatter configuration and testing it with sample data to identify the problem.

Are there any additional resources available to help with AmCharts 5 number formatter configuration?

Yes, AmCharts 5 provides extensive documentation and tutorials on configuring the number formatter. You can also consult the official AmCharts 5 forums, where you can find community-driven support and examples of various formatter configurations. Additionally, you can reach out to the AmCharts 5 support team for personalized assistance with your specific use case.

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